Viewing GitHub Repositories in Visual Studio Code: A Quick Guide

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3 min read 488 words

GitHub has become the go-to platform for collaborative software development, hosting millions of repositories across various projects. However, did you know that a simple tweak to the repository URL can seamlessly open it in your Visual Studio Code (VSCode) instance? In this guide, we’ll explore the nifty trick of changing ‘.com’ to ‘.dev’ in the GitHub repository URL, allowing you to effortlessly dive into your code within the VSCode environment.

  1. Visit the GitHub Repository:
    • Start by navigating to the GitHub repository you want to open in Visual Studio Code. The typical URL looks something like this: https\://
  2. Modify the URL:
    • In the address bar of your browser, locate the ‘.com’ in the URL and replace it with ‘.dev’. The modified URL should now look like this: https\://
  3. Press Enter:
    • Hit Enter to load the modified URL. You’ll be redirected to a new page with a VSCode-like environment displaying your repository.
  4. Use the Keyboard Shortcut:
    • An even quicker method is to press the period (.) key on your keyboard while on the GitHub repository page. This instantly toggles the URL from ‘.com’ to ‘.dev’, saving you the effort of manual URL modification. is an online version of Visual Studio Code that runs directly in your browser. It provides a lightweight and convenient way to browse, edit, and commit changes to your GitHub repositories without the need for a local development environment.

  1. Code Navigation:
    • offers a code-centric interface, allowing you to navigate through your project’s files and directories effortlessly.
  2. Code Editing:
    • You can make quick edits to your code directly within the browser, enabling a streamlined workflow for small changes and fixes.
  3. Source Control:
    • integrates with Git, providing a visual representation of your repository’s commit history and allowing you to stage and commit changes.
  4. Extensions:
    • While not as feature-rich as the full VSCode desktop version, supports a selection of extensions, enhancing its capabilities.
  5. On the Go:
    • is particularly useful when you need to make quick edits or review code while on the go without access to your local development environment.
  6. Collaborative Review:
    • It facilitates collaborative code reviews by providing an environment where team members can quickly view and comment on changes.
  7. Learning and Exploration:
    • is a great tool for those learning to code or exploring a new project, as it provides a low-friction entry point without the need for extensive setup.

The simple switch from ‘.com’ to ‘.dev’ in your GitHub repository URL can open up a world of convenience in your development workflow. Whether you’re making quick edits, reviewing code, or exploring a project on the go,’s integration with Visual Studio Code brings the familiar coding environment right to your browser. Next time you’re visiting a GitHub repository, try this trick and experience the seamless transition from browsing to coding.

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