Using CSS to prevent image selection

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2 min read 223 words

Creating engaging and interactive web experiences often involves restricting certain actions to enhance the user interface. One such scenario is preventing users from selecting images on a website. In this article, we will explore how the CSS properties `user-select: none` and `pointer-events: none` can effectively prevent image selection.

CSS Property: user-select: none The user-select property controls the selection behavior of elements on a web page. By setting it to “none” for the targeted image element, we can disable image selection.


.image {
  user-select: none;

CSS Property: pointer-events: none The pointer-events property determines how elements respond to mouse events. Setting it to “none” for the targeted image element disables all pointer events, including selection.


.image {
  pointer-events: none;

Combining the CSS Properties: To provide comprehensive protection against image selection, you can combine both user-select: none and pointer-events: none CSS properties.


.image {
  user-select: none;
  pointer-events: none;


By using the CSS properties `user-select: none` and `pointer-events: none`, web developers can effectively prevent users from selecting images on a website. This level of control enhances the user experience by ensuring images remain unselectable and unresponsive to pointer events. Remember to use these properties judiciously and consider the overall user experience to avoid any negative impact on usability or accessibility. Explore and experiment with CSS properties to create engaging and user-friendly web experiences.

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