Integrating fzf into tmux for Efficient Navigation
When working within tmux
, navigating between windows, sessions, or panes can become time-consuming, especially in large setups. To make this process quicker and more efficient, you can integrate fzf
—a powerful fuzzy finder—into your tmux workflow.
In this guide, we will walk through how to integrate fzf
into tmux
and cover additional plugins that enhance file and URL selection with fzf
Before we begin, make sure you have the following tools installed:
- tmux – A terminal multiplexer that lets you switch between several programs in one terminal.
- fzf – A general-purpose fuzzy finder for the command line.
- fpp (PathPicker) – A tool for selecting files and directories from text output (e.g.,
status or grep).
You can install these using your system’s package manager:
# For MacOS
brew install tmux fzf fpp
# For linux
sudo pacman -S tmux fzf fpp
Step 1: Install tmux-fzf Plugin
The easiest way to integrate fzf
with tmux
is by using the tmux-fzf plugin. If you’re using the tmux plugin manager (tpm) , you can install this plugin by adding the following line to your .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'sainnhe/tmux-fzf'
Once you’ve added the line, reload the tmux configuration or restart your tmux session. Then, install the plugin using the command:
# Press prefix + I (uppercase i)
This will install the tmux-fzf
Step 2: Configure fzf Options
You can further customize the behavior of fzf
within tmux by setting some options in your .tmux.conf
. Here’s an example configuration to make fzf
more user-friendly:
TMUX_FZF_LAUNCH_KEY="F" # Key to launch fzf
TMUX_FZF_OPTIONS="-p -w 80% -h 80% -m" # Launch with a popup, 80% width and height
TMUX_FZF_ORDER="window|session|pane|command|keybinding|clipboard|process" # Order of search results
These options define the key binding to launch fzf
, display it in a popup window that takes up 80% of the screen, and specify the order of items you can search through, such as windows, sessions, panes, commands, and more.
Step 3: Override Default Keybindings for Window and Session Switching
By default, tmux uses the w
key to list windows and the s
key to list sessions. With fzf
, you can override these defaults for an improved navigation experience. Add the following key bindings to your .tmux.conf
bind-key w run-shell -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf/scripts/ switch"
bind-key s run-shell -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf/scripts/ switch"
Now, pressing prefix + w
will trigger fzf
for window switching, and prefix + s
will trigger fzf
for session switching.
Step 4: Open Files and URLs with fzf and fpp
To enhance your workflow further, you can add support for opening files and URLs directly from tmux using additional plugins. These plugins work with fzf
and provide keybindings for more efficient file and URL management.
Add the following plugins to your .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-fpp'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-open'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat'
set -g @plugin 'wfxr/tmux-fzf-url'
After adding these lines, reload tmux and install the plugins using prefix + I
With these plugins, you’ll have access to the following keybindings:
prefix + F
– Openfzf
to search for tmux commands.prefix + w
– Select windows usingfzf
.prefix + s
– Select sessions usingfzf
.prefix + f
– Openfpp
and select a file to open with$EDITOR
.prefix + <C-f>
– Select a filename usingtmux-copycat
.prefix + u
– Openfzf
to search for a URL.prefix + <C-u>
– Select a URL usingtmux-copycat
– Open a selected file or URL withtmux-open
These keybindings streamline opening files, URLs, and searching through your tmux environment, allowing you to maintain your workflow’s efficiency.
Final Thoughts
With fzf
integrated into tmux and additional plugins like fpp
and tmux-open
, you’ll experience faster navigation and easier file/URL handling, reducing time spent on manual searches. It’s a small but powerful productivity boost for any tmux user.